A monthly occurrence of elimination of the eggs. Issues can vary from heavy bleeding to no periods to having bleeding between periods too. It can be associated with cramps and become very painful and the reasons could be many from physical or psychological stress to hormonal imbalance or other issues. We try to address the root cause so that the issue does not recur.
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Give us a call at +91 9773700827
Healed by- Mudra Therapy_ Checked after 45 days:
- Periods regular & timely
- Normal & no excessive bleeding
- all medications stopped
- life returns to normal
- overall life has improved
Client presented us with: - Severe pain during periods @14 on a scale of 1-10 unbearable even fainting at the age of 13 with pain - Ankylosing Spondylitis (genetic disorder) with severe pain in the hips and legs resulting in fused bones of the spine. Pain levels @ 20 - Severe Sinusitis for years - Daily Headaches - Painkillers like Ibuprofen, Voverans the order of the day. Eg. Ibuprofen finishing 500 pills annually - Digestive system gone for a toss - Gall bladder removed - Finger length fissures & Piles developed due to medication - Future bleak staring at being deformed & wheel chair bound in 15 yrs - Stopped all medications on Day 1 _Six weeks after consult. Healed by _Natural Hygiene, Life Coaching, Acupressure, Craniosacral & Mudra Therapy_