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Fatigue & Body ache

 Fatigue is a feeling of exhaustion or lack of energy & this could be due to various reasons like jet lag, lack of sleep, thyroid, BP, heart malfunctioning etc. Body aches too could be due to multiple reasons like infection, inflammation, strenuous workouts, lack of sleep etc. We find the cause and address it accordingly.

Book your appointment now! 

Give us a call at +91 9773700827



Healed by Natural Hygiene & Marma Therapy in 30 days):

- Pain reduced by over 80% (60-80% within 10 days)

- Energy levels are up & allow one to work 12 hour days

- 5 kgs weight loss


Emergency Care: Severe Pain in neck and shoulders running down arms for three days. 70% improvement within few minutes and complete cure within three days.

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